Pascal Stutz

«Norman» Doorhandles

These door handles were created for the overarching theme of "space". My approach was to prevent so-called "Norman Doors" - doors where you don't know whether to push or pull to open them.

In collaboration with the German designer Klemens Grund, the door handles shown here emerged after various other designs. The language of form depends on the use and conveys their respective function both visually and to the touch. The different shapes of the two handles are intended to show unmistakably which side of a door is made for pulling and which for pushing. The final handles are full-size prototypes made of grey cardboard, filler and varnish.

Year 2020
Size 140 x 70 x 25 mm / 180 x 180 x 60 mm
Material Cardboard, Glue, Filler, Varnish

In collaboration with

Klemens Grund – Designer
CH-9000 St. Gallen

These door handles were created for the overarching theme of "space". My approach was to prevent so-called "Norman Doors" - doors where you don't know whether to push or pull to open them.

In collaboration with the German designer Klemens Grund, the door handles shown here emerged after various other designs. The language of form depends on the use and conveys their respective function both visually and to the touch. The different shapes of the two handles are intended to show unmistakably which side of a door is made for pulling and which for pushing. The final handles are full-size prototypes made of grey cardboard, filler and varnish.

Year 2020
Size 140 x 70 x 25 mm / 180 x 180 x 60 mm
Material Cardboard, Glue, Filler, Varnish

In collaboration with

Klemens Grund – Designer
CH-9000 St. Gallen